Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Heavy heart/strong soul

Good morning bloggers,

Here I am again burning the midnight oil. After spending some time with someone & him making me realize some of my flaws I felt inspired to write this entry.

Every strong woman needs someone to take the lead for a minute, so she can take a breather, recollect herself & recharge. I, unfortunately don't have that luxury in my life, but I do take frequent vacations by myself to compensate for that; these brief vacations allow me to release, recharge & refresh. There are days that I wish I could just runaway from it all, but then I have people, like my grand kids, kids & my close friends whom remind me that I am loved & very much needed!

I have no regrets & now know more than ever that everything that I've been through was meant to be. My experiences have taught me very valuable lessons, they have humbled me, prepared me & most importantly serve as a constant reminder that life is a constant evolution.

I have been through allot in my 45 years of living & I don't regret anything. I have loved the wrong people & in return I have learned that there are no garauntees. The only thing that is garaunteed in this life is that the only person you can count on is yourself. The way you carry yourself around others defines your character, I have forgiven & moved on without resentment. And even though my heart is heavy, my soul has become stronger. With every situation comes experience & those experiences allow you to make better decisions. Loss of loved ones make you appreciate those you love & love you. Bad experiences teach you lessons, good experiences create happy memories. So, you see, take nothing for granted, don't expect anything from anybody but yourself & never judge others because you never know what they have been through.

But do treat others with respect, be kind, open your hearts & your minds to all possibilities. Have faith, smile often, laugh frequently- trust me it's contagious! Take deep breaths, pause, learn how to let go of the bad & create good! Trust me you will be much happier & @ peace!

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