Thursday, April 25, 2013

Switching tactics

So, here I am anxious & trying not to think about my f/u testing on my breast, which came back /w "significant changes"! Trying really hard to stay positive, no gym today, but did spend time /w my youngest brat. Had lunch in Montclair, NJ & decided to go house browsing with him, he seemed pretty excited, so I took him to houses which I liked & looked @ them. We winded up going to Roseland where we found this nice townhouse off of Eagle Rock Avenue, we both liked the outside & surroundings. After seeing several houses from the outside, we went home & started investigating the insides of the houses we really liked. Of course the houses in Montclair, where out of my price range, but, I can always dream.
As for changing my tactics, I have decided to not waste my energy on those who take it for granted & I am focusing on the more positive people in my life. I am also putting forth more energy to fulfilling my mother's wishes of me purchasing a house, it's the least I can do to appease her; only the Good Lord knows how much longer I will have her around. She loves living with us, although I dont' see her as much, because of my crazy work schedule- when school starts it's going to be very interesting!
I want to take time out & thank a couple of my closest friends for believing in me & encouraging me to look @ houses & not give up my plans for grad school: Alberto, Janice, Arlene & of course I can't forget the sis Denise. I had thought that trying to buy a house, maintain both jobs & going back to grad school was overwhelming, but these people were like: Dude, that's how you like it, you work 6 days out of the week, you work out everyday, you take care of your family & dog, & still have time to go out! Yo ass is going to be fine! Suck it up, shut up & just do what you do best! Handle yo shit!
Thanks for all the encouragement & support & keeping me focus- love y'all, muah!
As for those who take me for granted, you might miss me or you won't even notice, but just know that there is no-one like me; my presence will be absent from now moving forward!

Morning hike, to clear my head & meditate /w nature:

Continuing to let my thoughts manifest in my head:

Nothing like sweat on my body after an intense work out

Lunch /w the brat


Today's Quotes:

Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


It has been a while since I've blogged; I have been dealing with some big transitions in my life & am currenty in a state of deep thought. I now have my mom living with me & it has dawned on me that I need to buy a house that can accommodate my family. I am terrified to buy a house, but I have no choice. How will I purchase a house, continue grad school & maintain both my jobs?
I also received some alarming news, apparently my mammogram showed significant changes in my left breast that require additional imaging, u/s & a biopsy! I try not to think about all my responsibilities, but, when alone it overwhelms me!
My family & friends are always telling me how proud & strong I am, if they only knew that I fall apart behind locked doors- SMH. The only reason I stay strong is to prove to myself that I can accomplish anything!
I have done it before & I am very confident that I can do it again!
Maybe I care too much about others & not enough about myself, but I know I have to keep on going.
Dear God, give me the strength I need to press through, the wisdom I need to make the right decisions, the intelligence I need to accomplish my goals & the patience I need to deal with everybody & everything that is currently affecting my life!

The Sis & me trying to catch up while out for some drinks

My first born & me enjoying a movie

My Mami & me, on her moving in day (she was not happy)

My baby boy out on a date with me, enjoying some Sushi

My son & 2 daughters enjoying lunch /w my cousin Robert from California

The constant reminder of why I work so hard on my night stand

My mom in the hearing booth- trying to get her a new hearing aide

My cousin Robert & I enjoying some NYC's finest dining

My cuz & mom paying respects to my brother

My mom with me going to all her doc appts

My mom helping me unpack groceries

My beloved Marley awaiting my arrival from work (she does this every night)

Fight or Flight

Good evening bloggers,

I blog to you from a nurse's perspective tonight, I am always helping others- whenever my colleagues or staff need medical attention I try to triage & assess the need & provide what I can to assist in the situation. People who work with me know that I'm always available to them & never say no. Sometimes, I am appreciated, but there are times that I am left with a feeling of being taken for granted.
I am @ the height of my career, I've been a staff nurse @ 1 of the top 5 hospitals in our area (since 2004), I've been in middle management for 2 years now, I managed a small practice for almost 5 years, and I currently feel like my career has hit a plateau.
It is definitely time to climb my professional ladder, I have already submitted most of my documents for grad school & am anticipating my acceptance letter. I can't wait to absorb all the knowledge. My brain is anxious to learn more!
Because I do work allot my work families & I have developed a special bond & I love to work with both of my SBMC family & HUMC family & both families continue to grow as well as the bonds we have formed. Enjoy the following pictures:
Saying Good bye & Good Luck to one of my favorite unit clerks Denise!

Another Good bye & Good Luck to my boo Jessica, /w Charles & my daughter Sasha

Sasha & Jessica @ Jess's farewell party

Sasha  & Anthony talking crap

My beloved SBMC Peds ER gathering

Ashley & me, enjoying our food

My Peds ER crew

Mike, me, Robbie & Janice
(Dr. Madkaze Peds ER MD, me, Dr. Deutch Peds ER Director, & Nurse Iglesias)

Mike giving a very sentimental speech

1 of my fave PACU RNs, Vess- HBD Momma (Dum-Dum) Muah

Here is to my Peds ER peeps

We deserve the very much needed outing!

My fave nurses & MDs & transcriptionist

HBD Robbie! & you know you can count on me to get report! LOL

Love my new SBMC family!