Wednesday, July 25, 2018

A few good men, yes they do exist

Good evening bloggers,
Today I blog from Great Stirrup Cay, Bahamas 🇧🇸. Within the last few weeks I have spent time with my cousin Robert Escamilla & his family & my pseudo brother Mario Cordova & his family. I’ve known both of these men all my life, & we have grown close as the years have gone by.
As I spend quality time with these men I realize that good men do exist. I have witnessed both these men spoil their wives & treat them like queens, & by spoil I mean they are very affectionate towards their wives & children. They possess qualities that I seek in my potential mate, they’re leaders, but they also know how to acknowledge & include their wives in all decisions. They have put righteousness first & are strong & gentle @ the same time. They possess honesty, chivalry, kindness & affection but still show strength & lead with passion.
All the qualities that I currently possess & have adapted over time with my family. It humbled me to witness all those qualities in men that I am proud to call my family.
My son is another example of a good man & father, although he has made mistakes, he left his home & family in NJ to be with his daughter & girlfriend, he has cleaned up his act & is working on bettering himself in order to be there for his new family. I am so proud & am very proud to call him my son. He is now expecting twin boys & I can’t wait to see him raise his boys. I also want to mention my dad, although he missed almost 30 years of my life, we have been bonding since we reconciled our differences, I’m learning that I am allot like my father but possess many of my mother’s ways, but my unfiltered mouth & not caring about what other people say or think about me, is definitely from my dad- thanks Papi for give me those traits!
I also have had the privilege in meeting some great guys. I met someone who is very thoughtful and caring & takes the role of the Chauffeur by taking his girls to school or camp every morning & making sure they have what they need & being available for them throughout the day until he goes to work.
So you see you ladies, good men still do exist. It’s just a matter of time before you meet them & when you meet them please be sure to take care of them, I know I am!

Monday, July 16, 2018

Bullet proof heart

Good morning bloggers,
It has been a while since I have posted an entry regarding my emotional state. But, I have been busy working & traveling. I also have been writing, & in a deep state of thought. Here is just one of the few entries for ya'll to enjoy:
I use to think I could have a bullet proof heart! I  thought my heart was impenetrable. I had been through so much & felt the need to rebuild my wall & even build a moat for extra security! I used to believe that I could turn my heart into steel & not allow anyone to reenter; but I forgot I'm human. I forgot that I love hard, I forgot that I'm incapable of being cold & callous. Mostly, I had forgotten that my love is powerful & plentiful! I possess enough love for my children biological & Pseudo, my family immediate & extended, my friends local & distant, my dog, my work families at HUMC, Valley & SBMC; but most of all the abundant love I possess reminded me, that I am incapable of having a bulletproof heart!
I have been truly blessed to have had the 3 loves of life: puppy love, tough love & true love. My first love was a mixture of ignorance & hard lessons, but it also gave me the 5 real loves of my life. My second love, my tough love taught me more valuable lessons, it taught me how to be a better parent to my kids, it taught me how to be a good wife, but it also taught me to be a better partner & how to be strong & how to let people go even though you love them. Letting them go is showing true & selfless love. My third love, my true love, showed me acceptance & it surprised me. It also taught me to let go of conformity & how not to live up to societal expectations. 
I’ve been doing a little research on love & read some very interesting books, like the 5 languages of love & how to truly love yourself. But nothing I have read has compared to real life experiences.
Throughout my journey of love I have discovered that it, love, is interpreted differently by each individual & received differently, as well, by each individual. 
But the most challenging  & difficult love, I have found to be, is self love. Learning to love myself has been one of the most difficult tasks of my life, this is because the concept of self love had been very foreign to me. After giving my love to other people, like my mom, my brother, my kids, & my lovers, loving myself was a learning process for me. But it has also been a world of discovery for me & I continue to learn new things about myself. And I’m falling deeper in love with the woman I am evolving into.
So as I continue to fall deeper in love with myself, I’m learning that I am so capable of doing unimaginable things, & for this I am grateful!