Saturday, October 1, 2011

Awesome 2nd day off

Hello fellow bloggers,
 Had an awesome second day off! It started with me crying to Sex in the City! Still emotional, but now I know why (that time of the month). Anyway, while cleaning my room & starting the laundry I was watching this movie & when Big stood Carrie up @ the altar it hit me like a ton of bricks! I started crying like a big baby! SMH!

 I then got a call from my sister, Denise, whom had volunteered my car to move a homeless person. I was annoyed @ first, but when I met the lady, we were helping I was glad that Denise volunteered me. This lady is from the Ukrane & she was widowed 4 years ago & she never worked before, because in her culture her job was to take care of the house & her husband, she has no kids & no family in this country & was homeless for a while. Denise who works for the EOHA (housing authority) had helped finding her an apartment & because she had nobody, Denise offered to help her move what little she had. Hence, I got involved, after getting to know the lady we were helping I understood why Denise was helping her, she had nobody here, no family or friends. In the end, I'm glad we helped her, all good deeds make me feel good about myself. It has always been my philosophy to give than to to recieve.  Good deeds always draw positive karma!

Afterwards I went home & finished cleaning then got ready for a night on the town. I was meeting Lils, Jo, Ash & their significant others @ a Taiwanese restaraunt in Jersey City & as always we had a ball! Denise couldn't come because she was too sick- but I sent her pictures of the event, so it was like she was there!

As you can see we did allot of damage! We ate almost all of the food. It's always fun hanging out with my 4LW sisters & their families. We were suppose to go to a Halloween scarey hay ride, but unfortunately the rain tonight did not allow for that. When Minh, Kevin & I get together there is no topic that we don't discuss, just to say we were there for almost 3 hours cracking up on nurse stories & trooper stories! I love those guys, they're hillarious, but vulgar & sweet all @ the same time. Poor Ash, I hope she will come next time. I know we all had a good time, can't wait to do it all over again in 3 weeks! 

Tonight instead of leaving you with a quote, I will leave you with an image one of my 4LW sisters shared with me when I was blue a couple of months ago, thanks Jodi, we missed you tonight!


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