Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Telling my truth

Here it is 1 am & I am watching the Latino List on HBO & listening to Usher's Can you handle it, while my Filipino daughter, Wa, dances to it (on YouTube). Doing these things gives me the inspiration I need to write. People who know me well, know that I have been through allot in my life & have managed to overcome all the challenges that have been thrown my way. But surviving situations in life, is just that, surviving. I want to do more than survive, I want to be successful & answer my calling. I now know that writing is my calling in life & that writing, my writing, is going to uplift women & men alike to aspire to be the best they can be. I have been a mentor, role model, an advocate and first & foremost a MOM. All these experiences have given me the confidence to tell my truth & share my accomplishments with people I know & love. The more I talk about it, the more people tell me I should write about it. My story, I've been told, is inspirational & so by journaling/blogging I am beginning to feel more confident with my writing skills. I hope to one day feel confident enough to write my story. Being a nurse & working with different people with different lifestyles also allows me to see/witness other people's triumphs. I have been so blessed to be able to help people through the healing process & I believe that telling my truth & sharing it with people I can not only heal myself but also help others heal.

I just don't want to survive my life I want to leave my mark on the world & after watching the Latino List & hearing the stories of these people I know that I am the only person that can make it happen for myself. My children, all of them, Chris, Tony, Sade, Sasha, Shadasha, Shuan & Shamorr motivate me to push myself & maybe one day I will be on the Latino List telling my success story. Assuring & demanding my place in the world will assure my children's success.

These are my biological children, but Chris & Tony are loved & cherished just as much as these knuckle heads. They are all, the oil that light my fire! I love you guys & Mom dukes is well on her way to make her mark in this world. Love you guys! AND THAT IS MY TRUTH!

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