Wednesday, October 26, 2011

New Day

Good Day fellow bloggers, after a restful night with a good 6 hours of REM sleep, I have a better outlook on my life. I was FB'd by a good friend in NM & my half sister this morning & after reading their thoughts I have regained my strength & no longer going to feel sorry for myself. I have plenty to be thankful for: I have my health, my work ethics (which most, who know me & my schedules- think I'm crazy) & most importantly my family & friends. They're always here to cheer, boost me up, & encourage me. Just when I think I'm going to lose it, either a friend or a family member, wakes me up & reminds me that it's not as bad as I think it is & I have the means to get over whatever situation I'm in- no matter what!

I woke up & started reading & looking for a new place to live. I then proceeded to run my errands & as I was driving I received the 2 messages from Tracy & Lygia that I needed to read. Both of you seem to encourage me just @ the right time- the timing has been on point & I am so thankful to have people like the both of you in my life. And you're right Tracy all the bumps in the road will make me stronger & wiser & those who are trying to keep me down are just trying to make themselves feel better & they are sad & pathetic, thinking they can control my destiny or affect me. Not the case anymore- they can only take what I allow them to take, & I am no longer allowing them to take anything from me, anymore! & Lygia thank you for the image- it gave the strength I needed to get through my emotional state! Muah to the both of you.

On a much lighter note I will leave you with 2 images that boosted my mood this morning:

The 3rd image is of me doing something I enjoy & brings good vibes to me when I'm doing it & no it's not masturbating! LOL for those with their heads in the gutter!
When I'm blogging & sharing my truth, I feel empowered & nobody can take that away from me. I also want to mention my nephew, Tony- I spent time with him & his friend this past wkd & I see allot of me in him & it dawned on me, he really is my son! I love you Tony, without you I would not have the courage to start this blog, & as I'm blogging each day I feel my heart fill with content & the best part of this blog is when I see people, who barely know me, tell me they enjoyed a post & it helped them. Thanks to everybody who shares this blog with other people- feeling loved right now!

As for my quote for the day: There are 2 things people want more than sex & money....... recognition & praise- MKA
Everybody wants to feel appreciated, no matter where they are in there life!


  1. Who is MKA? I enjoyed the shout out again. I love u Auntie. My friend said she knows where i get alot of my traits from lol. I thank you for being in my life and inspiring me to be a better person. Thank you for everything.

  2. It's what I do boo! & I love you & you inspire me!
