Had a quite Saturday night @ the Hack, came home & slept for 5 hours & woke up to watch movies with Shami & Marley, we watched 3 movies: Bad teacher, Green Lantern & Harry Potter. Went food shopping & started laundry, in between- Sade & I fixed dinner & watched another movie: X-men origins with Sade, Shadasha, Shami & Marley. Missing Sasha & Shuan. Maybe the day will come, when we all can get together to watch movies like old times. It's funny how, when the kids were younger, I didn't think of missing them or wanting them around to do something as simple as watching a movie together as a family. It all went so fast, I remember when we all use to watch TV together & enjoy just being together, now everybody works & goes to school & finding time to just watch a movie is such an impossible task. I can't wait til the day comes when the kids realize that family is the only thing that will survive the test of time. While relationships will come & go, & we have failures & triumphs in life- we are all that we have. Family is there through thick & thin, bad times & good times. My family means the world to me & to have 1 day to be with them makes me feel like I am neglecting them, but I know they understand my circumstances & they know that my hard work is for them.

It's always been about my family, they have made me who I am. It's because of them that I push myself & continue to try to make my dreams a reality. Love my brats! & Marley:
Quote for the day: family is forever & time is too limited to waste on people who don't cherish that! -Delilah
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