So, here I am again, on my day off & what do you ask I'm doing? Mami things of course! Got off this morning & went food shopping first, came home to nap (sleep for almost 5 hours) & then clean our house & do laundry, oh & don't forget cook dinner! To add to the list pay my bills, can't forget that!
I can't complain about my life right now, I'm feeling grateful to be able to work & take care of my family. I know one day they will turn around & do the same for me, hopefully!
I have to tell you that, this being single again has not been easy @ times I have fun with it & it is liberating. But @ the end of the day I come home to my sweet cocker spaniel, whom always awaits with unconditional love (of course after she trashes the bathroom trash!). Still love her to death ;-)
I have been talking to guys, but nothing romantic has panned out. I feel if I don't look for it, it will find me! (that is my hope). In the mean time, I'm excited about moving, in February, to a more affordable house, I hope to find something reasonable & allows me to save money, so I can travel. Traveling has always been something I wanted to do & now that the kids are growing up & I'm not in a committed relationship, I think I will take this opportunity to explore different places.
As for feeling like 1K- I felt so empowered today buying staples for the house cleaning my house & paying all my bills. It is a feeling of accomplishment like no other! It empowers me to be able to do all these things for myself & my family. I hope to one day feel like I don't have to worry about my financial obligations- I do want to return to grad school & finish what I started. I know God will make a way for me to fulfill that wish.
Although I had to work this past weekend, I got to spend some time with 2 of my daughters & my pseudo Filipino daughter- I love them so much- all my kids are the reason why I put my happy mask on & keep pushing forward with all the strength I can muster out of myself. I want them to see that nothing in life can break you- the only thing that keeps you is yourself. My kids have been my motivation since as long as I can remember. And it all started with my beautiful kind hearted, but silly nephew, Anthony! Whom helped me start this blog- I love that kid with all my heart- he made me a good parent before I had my own children & he continues to inspire me & affect me in so many different levels: I Love You Tony, & I have left- overs for you @ the house- like always!
As for my inspirational quote for the day, I'll give one of my own thought/belief:
Don't let people dictate who you are or become, take their actions & criticisms & grow into a person you know you can take pride in being. Don't be negative, because it draws negativity, instead be positive because it draws positivity! I have learned that by being myself, crazy, unfiltered, honest, & outgoing- has drawn positive people into my life. And whether it be @ work, or while enjoying myself on my day off- I seem to continue to meet people who are worthy of my time & my friendship. I have learned to live without regret & taken all my experiences & learned how to just focus on the good things in life. Everything happens for a reason & I have faith that God's plan for me is a happy one & worth all of my trials & tribulations!
I love my family & my friends & will never take them for granted! I feel so blessed to be alive- thank you God for my life!
Thanks for the shout out Auntie. Don't forget you have always been a long time inspiration for me to continuing to press on and forward. 5 kids and you still continue to press on like no one else can imagine.I am glad that you continue to never let your fire get extinguish.
ReplyDeleteThanks Tony- I love you!