Tuesday, August 6, 2024

53rd Birthday

 Good morning bloggers,

I was inspired to feed into my blog today, I worked Saturday into Sunday; so I celebrated my 53rd birthday /w my work babies. I was able to receive 12 hours benefit time on Sunday, which was heaven sent. I really didn’t do much, I got all dressed up, bought myself some Sweet Bitch Moscato, ordered myself a seafood dinner from Noches de Columbia, & drove myself to one of my favorite places: Liberty State Park. I sat down on one of the benches that faces Liberty Tower & enjoyed my dinner & drink. The skies filled up with nimbostratus (rain) clouds, as I drank the thunder started followed by the lightning, then it was time for me to pack up & head home. I now know that I have to celebrate myself everyday, it doesn’t have to be anything big, small indulgences on a daily basis can effect your emotional health in a positive way. 

Self-isolation has taught me how to become comfortable being alone. I take myself on 3 dates a week & sometimes I bring my grown kids with me. I have also learned how to manage my overthinking & how to walk away from situations that drain my energy. @ 53 I am finally @ peace with myself, I move forward with more confidence & give myself grace when I am being hard on myself. I don’t compete with no-one but myself. This version of me practices understanding of self & I allow myself to endulge in things I enjoy without feeling guilty!

So here is to 53 years of life-long lessons, extraordinary friendships, accomplishments, & defeating challenges I never thought possible!

I will just leave you with some of my favorite memories:

53 & feeling FREE!

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