Thursday, August 8, 2024

Soap Box Bit

Good evening bloggers,

Still celebrating my 53rd birthday & all the FB (fuckboys) have the audacity to resurface & ask why I am still single?

Um hm, as I pull out my soap box & prepare to educate some mothaf*ckas:

First & foremost, I am enjoying this phase of my life, this version of me intentionally chooses to be single!
Why? Because none of you mofos fit the criteria to be a part of my life as it is now!

You see, I have been self-sufficient for several years (& even before my ex-husband) I have been able to take care of my family & myself! And although I learned to become a life partner with my ex-husband, I also learned the depth of betrayal & deception. So, yes I have trust issues!  And after loosing every single person in my immediate family, siblings & parents, I no longer have to take care of anybody physically! I still help my grown children, because I have been blessed & love to bless those I love. I’m family oriented & they will always come first!
I had allowed myself to be vulnerable & was able to trust again. Unfortunately, this person betrayed me & I put my guard up again. 

I have been approached by several men that seek a relationship with them, but I have chosen to be by myself. Why? Because I require to be engaged in all aspects of my life!

You see, I am an intellect, & as such I need to be engaged in intelligent conversations.
I am also an empath, so I need to be engaged in positive energy, vibes, & philosophical discussions.
I also love to go on adventures, so I need to explore new places, cultures, & histories.
I love nature, so be prepared to chase waterfalls, hiking trails, & participate in extraordinary activities!
I’m currently writing my first book & my imagination is on a level that is very different & creative, due to my life experiences (& I am in no way, shape, or form a boring person)! 
Due to the fact that I took care of my siblings & parents before they passed, I have become more conscientious about my health, so my partner must be fit & be willing to join me in my fitness journey
I also prefer colored men, why? Because I seem to have allot in common with them when it comes to struggles & overcoming them, & self-evolution.
Other requirements include but are not limited to, self-maintenance (not vain) but take pride in your appearance (look good, smell good, body & breath). Be intentional & considerate, also be honest & genuine! I require affection, so please feel free to practice PDOA (public displays of affection) (if you know what the acronym stood for, congratulations, you’re on my level of emotional intelligence). I am also a foodie & love to cook, so you must have an open mind to cooking & exploring different types of cuisine. Traveling is a must, I have been to different countries & states, but still have a long bucket list of places I want to explore! I also love to write, photography, & spending some alone time (so give me my own space). I don’t believe in marriage but if you can prove your point, I am willing to listen & maybe change my mind. We have to be able to grow together & compliment each other, where I lack, you compensate, where you lack, I will compensate. Our growth will be in the areas of intelligence, understanding, knowledge, soulfully, & yes, financially! 

So now you see why I choose to be single, I practice & do all the things mentioned above by myself & or with loved ones. I take myself out on dates, travel solo, & definitely spoil myself by doing things I enjoy!
I currently attend grad school to obtain my doctorate in human sexuality, to become a sex therapist & want to become an author & an expert on the matters of love & intimacy! Until I meet someone that compliments every aspect of my life, I will continue to be single!

As you can see, I am just fine by myself! Until I meet the person that not only can handle who I am, but also compliment & add to my already fulfilling life, I will remain content doing what I do!

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