Sunday, July 3, 2022


 Good morning bloggers,

It has been a minute, I have been struggling with my depression that has somewhat consumed my time. My autophobia has been triggered by a recent loss in my life and as I am studying trauma in my treating trauma class, I am discovering different ways to treat my autophobia. So, let me first start by defining some terms and giving you guys some explanations. Autophobia is a term used to describe the fear of being alone, this fear of being alone can make one feel anxiety and/or sadness. As with most phobias, autophobia can be caused by a childhood trauma, it may be rooted by abandonment. For me, it was when my papi left our family when I was 12 years old. It was then exacerbated by the death of my brother, then the death of my cousin Eric. Just when I thought I was over my autophobia, I was divorced, then my Mami died, then someone very close to me died. Some years had passed and I was beginning to think that I had conquered my autophobia, then my SO moved to Texas after a 4 year situation and before that my Papi passed away. So you can see where I am going with this entry.  

Luckily, I am currently in this class in which we learn how to treat unresolved trauma and I have to say I am becoming an expert on not only treating my symptoms, but also processing my traumas and letting go of what I can’t control and moving forward in a positive way. Things, situations, an yes, people are temporary those who are meant to be in your life will be in your life. So, let me share some tools that I’ve learned to treat autophobia, they include, but are not limited to, reminiscing on the good times then moving on; it’s okay to feel sad, but don’t stay in that state for long, reminding yourself of those people who always seem to bring out the best in you, and those who always bring your spirits up. Being alone is not a bad thing or anything to be ashamed about. Sometimes we need/ require that alone time, I am slowly learning how to be content with being by myself. Not an easy task but I am genuinely working on it and am slowly learning how to accept my current situation. It’s also very important not to rush into any intimate situation! I hope this helps! Leaving y’all with some of my alone moments:

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