Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Seasonal sorrow

Good morning bloggers ,

So, as everyone is still on their holiday highs, I want to share my struggle with the holiday season. As y’all already know my battle with seasonal affective disorder has been an issue for me, & as I combat this demon every holiday season, each year it’s different. It all started in 1995 when my brother lost his battle to AIDS. It then progressed when I lost my close cousin, when he lost his battle with AIDS in 2000, then in 2013, I lost my Mami to complications of breast cancer. I have been told that it gets better with time, but honestly for me, it hasn’t. I still cry, but it’s not as much as I use to. I do find myself smiling, when I do cry, because I can imagine my family members encouraging me & telling me to keep going. I have been so blessed to have people in my life that believe in me & support my vision, & most importantly, accept all my craziness!
After having a discussion with someone close, who also battles with depression, I figured out that it takes a lot of effort & energy to combat any type of sadness or depression especially around the holidays. It really is up to the individual to decide whether that person is going to allow the feeling of sadness overcome the feeling of happiness. I have chosen to wear my inner happiness on my outer side, & to spread the joy and be positive. I’m not gonna tell you it’s easy, because it’s not, it requires a lot of energy and effort on your part. I have to remind myself that I am an example to not only my children, but also to my grandchildren, and this is why I choose to move forward in a positive way. I have noticed when I do this I do affect people positively, and this is why I am sharing this.
People always approach me and tell me that they admire my strength, but if they only knew that it’s not strength, but it’s the will to move forward & spreading positivity into the universe.
So let me leave you on a positive note and share the people that keep me motivated.

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