Thursday, June 27, 2019

My resilience is real

Good morning bloggers,

So, I have been MIA (missing in action) because it’s taking all my energy to battle my depression. I just honored my mother’s death anniversary & that took allot out of me. It has been 6 years since I buried my mom & 24 years since I buried my beloved brother. They say that time heals all wounds, but, it has been my experience that it doesn’t.

Depression is a mood that drains you emotionally, mentally, spiritually, & physically. If ignored it can consume you & that consumption can turn into suicidal ideation. I am writing & posting this entry to bring awareness & shed light on this topic, & suggest ways to combat depression.

First & foremost, know that you’re not alone! Try to recognize & hone into your feelings, when you're blue/sad. Cry if you need to, until you can’t cry anymore! Then put your favorite music on & dance like your a fool! Learn how to make yourself happy & don’t attach your happiness to nobody or negative habits (i.e. smoking/drinking or other destructive behavior). Take time to investigate what makes you happy, dig deep into yourself & ask your conscience what makes you feel good & makes your soul smile? Even if you don’t feel like getting up, get out of bed, take a shower, get dressed & get the hell out of the house! Go to loved one’s house (family/friend), surround yourself with positive people that uplift you & engage in constructive activities. Examples include: exercising, hiking, exploring museums or art galleries, going to your favorite places (like the park or beach) for me, it’s NYC. Do things that make your heart content, my passions include blogging, spending time with loved ones, exploring new places & new experiences. Lately, I have been challenging myself by doing things I’m afraid of- that builds my confidence up!

Remember that bad things happen to good people & that doesn’t define your character, how you rise above those situations do! Also remember that when you invest time, energy & feelings to anything/anyone it hurts to lose it/them. But, you also gain wisdom & strength from that experience. The pain will eventually subside but, the scar will remain to remind you of your lesson & what you have overcome!
Know your worth & what your potential is & don’t let anybody throw shade on your shine!
Beam like the sun on the brightest days or like the moon on the darkest of night.

Without darkness we would never see the stars!
Let me share my soul nourishment with y’all:

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