Tuesday, January 1, 2019

My sister’s shoes

Good evening bloggers,

Happy New Year, & all the other holidays celebrated within the last 3 months. I start tonight by thanking the universe for all my blessings. Those include my family, my friends & my ability to do the things I love to do & that is to help people especially those I hold close to me.

On 12/7/18 I was privileged to spend time with my older sister, my only biological sister, she comes to north jersey to check & spend time with her ill father. I had an opportunity to get a glimpse of her life & I never realized the amount of strength she possesses! My sister suffers from chronic diabetes that has caused her a multitude of other health complications that require weekly dialysis- 3 times a week. What is so amazing about my sister, is that she continues to work full time as a nursing assistant. She has been working @ the same facility for over 20 years. But this is just one thing I admire about her physical & emotional strength, she also lost one of her sons tragically, he was only 23 years old @ the time of his death & like my mom, when she lost my brother when he was only 27, she displayed great poise & strength!
After spending most of the day with her & given her frail physical appearance, I decided to drive her back home to south jersey. After the 1.5 hour drive she revealed to me that it was her grandson’s birthday that day, so I wanted to see my little nephew & decided to take her to go see him. Zayden is my deceased nephew’s son. As we commence to make our way to our destination, my sister explains the complicated relationship & she rarely sees her grandson because of those circumstances. We show up to the apartment, ring the doorbell & it is opened only to be told to wait, so we waited, 30 minutes! Knocked again after the 30 minutes without any response! It broke my heart to watch my sister gather all the gifts she bought her grandson, my little nephew, & hear her say to me, let’s go- we’re not going to see him!
As I drove her back to her home, it took all the energy in my body not to cry for her. I was so hurt by the events I had witnessed, & it just solidified her strength.
As I drove back home I was in a deep state of thought & was very thankful for all of my blessings. To  be able to see my kids & grandkids whenever I want, to see them flourish & conquer their life goals to be a part of their lives & be able to help them fulfill their dreams!
As for my sister, I join her in her journey to regain her health as I help her with her with her treatment.

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