As I go through life I realize that my situations & experiences deplete my exterior, but my core remains positive & full of optimism. I've been debating moving to Atlanta, GA or Charlotte, NC to be closer to my family. But, in my mind, I thought I was afraid of losing my competitiveness or sharpness; in reality, it's not a fear, it's my preference.
I've lived in NM, NJ, & NY, & visited CA, FLA, NC, VB, GA, TX, even CT, but I have to say there is no other place like the tri-state area! I have everything within my reach, real cultural diversity, educational possibilities, & an abundance of job opportunities & I can't forget my family & friends. The bonds that I have maintained with my work friends is something that is unbreakable! My 4LW sistas were here for me throughout my marriage, my failed IVF cycles, my separation, my divorce, & even the passing of my mom! I consider them my sisters. The emotional support & encouragement they have shown me is something that I can't replace; and this is one of the main reasons I prefer to stay where I am. I know this news might disappoint my family in the south, but, my people in the northeast have become my family!
Another reason, I won't leave the tri-state area, is the convenience of being able to sit @ my mother's or my brother's grave & be able to vent to them. And although, I know they're in my heart, being able to physically go somewhere & be closer to them gives a level of comfort I've become accustomed to. I have to say, I do consider myself to be spoiled by the people I love, maybe it's just the way I feel, but I'm blessed!
When i was in college I had a humanities professor tell me that, unfortunately, as much as you want to believe in people, they are capable of disappointment. Some people evolve & those types of people make progress; there are others who stay the same & become stagnant those types of people digress & try to bring others down with them. I am learning to remove those people from my life & surround myself with people that can become a part of my evolution! I have overcome deception, divorce, & death! And I have mastered my transformation from victim to warrior! I have learned to draw strength from my negative situations & then share that strength & wisdom with those I hold dear to me. I never thought that I would have pivotal people in my life taken away from me, but I am thankful & humbled by those who remain & strengthen me, & have become pivotal in my life! So, you see, I now realize that every situation & person that has crossed my path has help mold who I have become. Someone who is honest, loyal, loving, genuine, sensitive but strong, motivating, artistic, fit, freaky, comic & most importantly real! Notice, I didn't mention perfect, because if I was, I would be a God-& I've never claimed perfection, & never will! The definition of perfection will always vary from person to person. I whole heartedly accept my flaws & work on them every day! And although I'm starting to believe there isn't anybody who can accept me as I am, & have me as an intimate partner, I am appreciating my family & friends who accept who I am!
My sistas: Denise & Joanna @ Jacksonville lounge celebrating my 42nd bday
My 4 brats & godson & his nephew celebratng my bday, before I go to work
My life's work, my kids
Wow I'm 42 & blessed
My ATL bday celebration
My 4LW bday cake
My lil sis & her daughters & me @ 7 presidents beach
So, I discovered I have artistic hands
My replica of me
wow, I'm impressed by myself
My Jo Jo & me
My Ne Ne & me


An artist I share my name with!

Tonight's Quotes:
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