It has been a while since I've blogged; I have been dealing with some big transitions in my life & am currenty in a state of deep thought. I now have my mom living with me & it has dawned on me that I need to buy a house that can accommodate my family. I am terrified to buy a house, but I have no choice. How will I purchase a house, continue grad school & maintain both my jobs?
I also received some alarming news, apparently my mammogram showed significant changes in my left breast that require additional imaging, u/s & a biopsy! I try not to think about all my responsibilities, but, when alone it overwhelms me!
My family & friends are always telling me how proud & strong I am, if they only knew that I fall apart behind locked doors- SMH. The only reason I stay strong is to prove to myself that I can accomplish anything!
I have done it before & I am very confident that I can do it again!
Maybe I care too much about others & not enough about myself, but I know I have to keep on going.
Dear God, give me the strength I need to press through, the wisdom I need to make the right decisions, the intelligence I need to accomplish my goals & the patience I need to deal with everybody & everything that is currently affecting my life!
The Sis & me trying to catch up while out for some drinks
My first born & me enjoying a movie
My Mami & me, on her moving in day (she was not happy)
My baby boy out on a date with me, enjoying some Sushi
My son & 2 daughters enjoying lunch /w my cousin Robert from California
The constant reminder of why I work so hard on my night stand
My mom in the hearing booth- trying to get her a new hearing aide
My cousin Robert & I enjoying some NYC's finest dining
My cuz & mom paying respects to my brother
My mom with me going to all her doc appts
My mom helping me unpack groceries
My beloved Marley awaiting my arrival from work (she does this every night)
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