I have been home since Sunday morning nursing a flu. This time has allowed my body to get some much needed rest, but, it has also spurred my mind into a thinking frenzy! Not being able to keep preoccupied physically, has forced me to not only to look back @ my history, but to also think long & hard about my future.
My friends, who know my story, know that I am the type of person that perseveres against any & all odds! I was a teenage mom who successfully raised 5 children, for the most part, by myself. 2 of my daughters have graduated college, 1 of my daughters is finishing her Bachelor's degree in Linguistics, my almost 18 year old son will be graduating high school in NM, & my youngest son just started his sophomore year of high school. As you can see, my brave front has accomplished what it was suppose to; & that was to weather the storm until we get to a better place.
So you see, one of the strengths I pride myself on is my ability to persevere! After losing my relationship with my kid's father, I persevered; after losing my brother to AIDS, I persevered, after losing my ex-husband to one of our patients, I persevered, after having my older son run away back to NM, I persevered. After having the worst year of my life & starting with nothing AGAIN, I PERSEVERED!
At age 41 I feel stronger & more capable of accomplishing my dreams. My agenda list:
- Finish graduate school
- Write a motivational book
- Become a motivational speaker
- Travel the world!
Sounds like allot to accomplish, but this is what I do best, the other strength I pride myself on, is my ability to multi-task. When I sat down with one of my mentors @ Rutgers, Paula, to discuss my future plans, she reminded me that I was more than capable of achieving my goals. Her exact words were: Delilah, why are you even questioning yourself? I have seen you work 2 jobs, manage your family, be in a fulfilling relationship, all while attending under grad school full time & still be class president, student ambassador & organize the senior dinner, & still be successful @ all! I sat there for a minute & it dawned on me, yeah, why am I questioning myself- I can do all these things & I am so capable of knocking all my goals out of the water! I've been told by many that I am an unstoppable force. Even when I was in a deep depression in NM, I was able to become a sexual assault advocate, an editor for the community newsletter, manage my ex-husband's office, & still manage both of my sons' extra-curricular activities, & maintain our household! So questioning myself was obsolete....
So with that epiphany, let me share with you guys the fuel that keeps me going:
My brats
My girls:
My tribe called mess:
My Fionas (not so perfect princesses)
My mom & kids (my past & my future) I am my present!
my brother (who is eternal in my heart):
the females in my family (including myself):
the Fionas again:
My soul sista:
As for inspirational quotes, I think that this entry is inspirational enough- no quotes needed!
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