Friday, May 25, 2012

Standing Erect

Good Morning fellow bloggers,
 I have been busy working & taking care of those I love. Between Sade's recovery & my mom's chemo treatments, & working both jobs- there has been little time to take care of myself. I have tried to discipline my self to @ least jog daily & do my exercise regimen @ least 3-4 times a week. I also try to spend @ least one day off to do something for myself, whether it be shopping with girlfriends, going hiking by myself or with Marley, or spending time with somebody, I believe is worthy of my time.
I do have to mention that where-ever I go I have been receiving compliments, if its on my professional attire, when @ SBMC, or my physical appearance, in scrubs @ HUMC, even @ Shoprite in jeans & a fitted shirt. I am finally comfortable in my own skin- thanks to Ace & to other people around me who boost my ego- both male & female. My demeanor has changed drastically, I have always been outgoing & outspoken, but I feel that lately I have become more confident in myself & my decisions. My sisters @ HUMC have noticed the change in me inside & out. My closest friend Denise, who is a very close sister to me has also acknowledged the change in me. She reminded me how broken I was last year & how scared she was that I was too close to a nervous break down, she was there when I was defecating on myself- she was there when I was crying inconsolably- & this is why I call her my sister, & @ times my wife- because we make an awesome team & when we say we're doing something it gets done!
I would like to share my gym & some other images that have helped me in my healing process:

This image is from my morning hikes, I sometimes take Marley- but not today!

This is the creek next to our townhouse complex- it's very peaceful in the morning.

Theses lovely young ladies are my beautiful cousins: Crystal (blue) & Carmen (grey)
they possess strength that only I can be proud of- I love them both & have allot of respect for them.

My triple threat- as much as I argue & dog them- they are my strength & they make me proud everyday!

My pride & joy (minus 1), not only are they beautiful, they hold a ton of potential!

My pseudo gym- I work out @ home & get my regimen from my trainer Ace!

My favorite pass time, blogging, although I never have enough time to do it as often as I would like

My little princess, she patiently waits for me to finish yoga, in order to go jogging.

These are just a few quotes I picked up & would like to share with y'all:

It has been a long & educational 16 months & I have grown in so many ways & shrunk in others. I still have allot to accomplish in my life & I know now, that I am unstoppable. My tolerance has amazed me, my strength has multiplied & my forgivness to those who have betrayed me has remained. It is now, that I can stand proud, strong & erect!

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