Good morning bloggers,
It’s been a while since I’ve submitted an entry, but I’ve been busy. As for the title for this entry, purpose, I have been made aware that for most of us we struggle to find what our purpose is in life. But I have also been blessed to know that my purpose in my life is to nurture, support, help, and protect my offspring. It has taken me almost 50 years to have this epiphany, I found myself questioning my purpose after my divorce 10 years ago. Along the way I developed skills which I like to consider gifts. And those include nurturing, supporting, helping and healing others. Hence, my profession as a nurse. It took me years to develop and hone in on these skills. But I have become very good at providing a nurturing and healing environment for my patients. And in doing so, it has allowed me to do the same for my children and grandchildren, I have created an environment that has allowed me to help, support, and nurture them mentally, emotionally, physically, and financially.
I have always had this belief that God/the universe/ whatever superior being you believe in, bestows us with gifts, and it is up to us to take these gifts, perfect them and then share them. Over the years within my profession and within my personal life I have been bestowed gifts and I have taken these gifts and perfected them and now I use them to help others. My gifts include writing, photography, sharing, being genuine and vulnerable; and not being afraid to share these with everybody. And although sometimes I believe I embarrass my children, I know that, that embarrassment comes with a silver lining and that silver lining is that my truth helps others. That help is disguised in many ways, one being the feeling of not being alone, allows for connectivity, and the sharing of wisdom and strength.
You see we all are human, and in being human we all have journeys we have to take to discover who we truly are. And with some of us it takes longer than others, and others know right away. I unfortunately am a late bloomer, but that doesn’t mean that I will not take advantage of my wisdom and share it with those who I care for and love. You see we all have a purpose whether you know it or not, we all bring something to this universe whether it be bad or good and it is up to us to share that purpose. For me, I share my purpose through the written language, and through my photography, and this is why I blog and share my experiences. My truth serves a purpose in my life and in the lives of others, my experiences and what I learn from them help me be a better version of myself and may help others with their journeys in their lives. So you see, sharing my truth is also my purpose, it may help others discover their purpose.
So don’t be surprised or afraid when you figure out what your life purpose is, the universe knows your truth and what you can handle. Just take in stride and perfect your gift and you to will provide the universe with your special gifts!