Sunday, February 26, 2017

My Life Journey

Good evening bloggers,

I write to from Humacao, PR, this is entry was inspired by my frequent travels & how blessed I am to be able to travel. I was on a mountain taking pictures of the spectacular views & it made me emotional. My best friend Denise, or should I say my sister from another mother, was with me & suggested I write about my experience. So, I find myself pouring my feelings into this entry. As I look out into the vast ocean from this tropical island I feel a sense of accomplishment. I have overcome allot of adversary in my life, but God always allows me to move forward & do things that I never imagined possible. Since my divorce my travels have taken flight & I have traveled @ least every 4 to 5 months to places I have never thought of! I knew of them & dreamt about visiting them & experiencing the culture, the people, their rituals & taste their cuisine. I am happy to report that I have fulfilled those exact dreams.

As a child my Mami always sent us to El Salvador for the summers, so we wouldn't loose our culture, we also traveled to California because my paternal grandmother lived there & she had a big role raising my brother in I in NYC. But, we never thought of this traveling as a privilege. As an adult with a large family I had the opportunity to expose my children to the traveling culture & was blessed to be able to take them to Jamaica, Bahamas, Paradise Island, Hawaii, Dominica Republic, San Francisco, Florida, & even exposed them to a Caribbean cruise. As I grow older my curiosity for more venues has expanded & I have had the pleasure to travel domestically & internationally. As you all know my trip to Dubai has broadened my horizons & has me looking forward to visit the following countries: Egypt, Prague, Brazil, China, Philippines etc. Through the grace of God & my sick work ethic, I believe I can accomplish this!

My only regret is that I don't have my Mami & big brother physically here to share these experiences with. But as I take time to appreciate these experiences I feel their presence with me & as I see these amazing venues I can assure myself that they are sharing these joys with me.

PS, unfortunately @ this time I am unable to upload our pictures, but they are soon to follow & thanks for your patience!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

My Solidarity

Good morning bloggers,

Been MIA for a minute, but I have a good excuse! I'm currently working on my entrepreneurship and have been busy researching ways on how to pursue my dreams & make them my reality! I also have initiated monthly outings with my colleagues  @ both facilities in order to keep the moral up. Yes, I feel obligated to do this because I like to spread happiness, & what better way to do that than to spend time doing unstressful things!

As for the title for this entry, I have been spending a lot of time with colleagues, friends, & family & have had limited time to myself. During that limited time I reflect on how my life is currently going, I  truly love the person that I'm becoming, I stress less & give little energy to irrelevant people/situations; & try to focus on what is important to me. I realize now that what is important to me has become the relationships that I develop with positive people. I have learned that people who genuinely care for me have my best interest @ heart ❤️ & I try to reciprocate that. My solidarity has also taught me to appreciate my family & friends, it also humbles me. I now know my worth & refuse to settle for less! I know now that I deserve the best because I am the best. So as I work hard to make my dreams my reality I hope God sends me someone worthy of me & can handle my crazy ass personality & be able to give me the love I deserve!

Being alone has given me a different level of confidence that I needed to build myself up. It has taught me to love myself in different ways. I now know to take better care of myself physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, & sexually (can't leave that part out because it's a big part of me!). I feel unstoppable & I hope to write about my success soon!