Monday, June 23, 2014

My Contribution to society

Good Morning Bloggers,

I have been in the midst of enjoying my life as it evolves into something beautiful! I continue to work diligently & aggressively towards some personal goals, I know that eventually my hard work will pay off. I am more aware of all the blessings in my life, & I try not to dwell on my past, although it has defined me & nurtured my strength. I have so many good & nurturing people in my life, that I have to mention how grateful I am for their presence in my life.
Just yesterday I was with one of my best friends, Joanna, we were talking about how fast situations change in just 1 year. Those who know us, know that we have been through very negative divorces & just last year, Joanna was by my side helping me give my mom post mortem care when she passed, while dealing with her separation. We are cut from the same cloth, we give of ourselves selfishly & that type of gift is what allows for more  blessings to come into our lives.
As I go on in my life I have learned that what you do to others, or how you treat others, will definitely come back to you ten fold. So, what that being said, I have chosen to be a positive entity in other people's lives. And although, some people are difficult to deal with, it is always best to let God deal with that & never drop to their level. I practice positive mantras daily & always remind myself that everybody has their own journey & sometimes those journeys are difficult to navigate but through God's grace, anything is manageable! Have a blessed day & please enjoy my many blessings that I continue to be grateful for:
Being able to relax with my daughters @ the beach!

 My night staff @ SBMC
 My girls, for reminding me that I am who I am!
 Being beautiful, outside & inside!
 My grand auntie's 90th bday, /w my fav auntie & uncle!
 My Marley & me!
 My beautiful Peds ED girls- luv them so much! muah
 One of my mentors, Paula! She reminds me I can do anything!
 My mami's grave site, adorned /w flowers in honor of her death anniversary
 A white party to enjoy good music, after a long work stretch
 More partying /w the people I love
 Celebrating a best friend's daughter's graduation!

Gracefully thanking God for all my blessings & trying my best to be a positive force in the people's lives that I love!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

So Blessed!

Good evening bloggers,
It's been a minute, but I have been very busy with work & being a new grandma. So, I have taken some time to reflect. Please enjoy:
My life has progressed in an awkward manner. I became a mom @ a  very young age, I lost some very valuable relationships prematurely, & I learned how to fend for myself & my family fast & efficiently. My strength & positive energy came from darkness but, I have managed to learn how to turn negative situations around & focus on the positive. Happiness is defined differently by everybody, & although I can honestly say I have not found mine, I am really enjoying defining happiness within myself!
Learning how strong I am as I continue to gain strength has been a process of will! The process continues, I am so blessed to have my family & friends who remind me of who I am & what I am capable of. I especially love it when my eldest daughter reminds me to look back & see how much I have accomplished on my own, love you Sade! Muah
To be able to go to NM & witness my grand daughter being born, was one of the most wonderful blessings that I have experienced! I have to say, being a grandma has been the most rewarding experiences I have ever felt! I am so in love with my grand daughter. I definitely have a better perspective on life.
The people in my life constantly remind me how blessed I am. I can't forget my 4LW sisters, they always remind me of the very same thing! Joanna, Lillibeth, Jodi & of course I can't forget my brothers, Barry & Mel. Like I said, I am so blessed to have my family & friends. I would also like to mention Laura, Charles, Susan & Harry, my Bed Mgt family, they have become my constant cheerleaders as I play this game called life!
Somaya's diaper cake, made by abuela D

Somaya fresh out of the womb

 Bebe & his baby Somaya

 Ashby & me- my NM baby

 Ashby & Meade, my NM babies

 Somaya & her old lady hat

 Somaya & abuela D

 Bebe & his 2 babies: Somaya & Pippin

 Holly, my bestie, making sure Somaya is healthy

 Erin burping Somaya

 1st day of church- muah! my babies

 love this smile

 how could you not love this smile?

 Miss her already

Tonight's Quote:
in order to be truly blessed you must practice these very important exercises:
Be yourself
Accept yourself
Value yourself
Forgive yourself
Express yourself
Trust yourself
LOVE yourself
And above all trust that God has your back! No matter what!