Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Heavy Day

Good evening fellow bloggers or should I say good morning?

It was a day of heavy news & unwanted results. My mom went in for a treatment shot to increase her red blood cells, but after her blood was drawn, we found out her RBCs are too low to continue with chemo therapy. We have to postpone her treatment, she has to get 2 blood transfusions before we can move forward. But, because she already has a weak heart, her transfusions have to be spread over two days: 1 tomorrow & the other on Saturday to run over 4 hours. Usually transfusions run over 2-3 hours, but because of her weak heart, her transfusions have to go very slowly, so it won't overwhelm her already weak heart.
This treatment is really rough to go through, physically & emotionally- so, I have decided to join a support group & bring my mom with me. She has to know there is hope. She is always tired & sleeping, she has mentioned not continuing the treatment & her will to live has diminished. So, I have to be strong for her! She has been very stubborn on top of everything, she refuses to stay with us; she stayed with us for a week after her first round of chemo & did very well. Being around the kids gives her the will she needs to be strong, but of course she gets anxious for her own home. I have let her stay home for 4 days now- tomorrow I will be bringing her back to our house- hope she stays longer this time, she has to know she needs to be around us!
My Lil mami on happier days!

She is my heart & I love this lady!
